



1915. The consolidation of the project. A first attempt

at professionalization.

On 30 July 1915 the Historical-Archaeological Section of the IEC submitted a detailed report – written by Lluís Marià Vidal and Manuel Cazurro – to the President of the Provincial Council on the archaeological research carried out in the Abric Agud [sic] at Capellades and a nearby cave (with Amador Romaní), in Cova de les Goges (Sant Julià de Ramis), in a cave between Sant Martí de Llémena and Llorà, in Cova del Faric [sic] at Os de Balaguer and Cova Negra at Tragó de Noguera, and in numerous other smaller sites and megalithic burial sites.


This report for the Provincial Council contained a new programme of excavations for the year 1915 that included the continuation of the work so far undertaken and the study of the perimeter walls of Girona and Olèrdola, campaigns in the counties of Urgell and La Segarra, the excavations of a number of dolmens in El Solsonès (proposed by Joan Serra i Vilaró, then Director of the Museum of Solsona), and, finally, further work on “the prehistoric investigations in [Baix Aragó] that have so far born such splendid fruit”.


As well, for the first time, Lluís Marià Vidal and Manuel Cazurro made clear the need for the Section to provide its on-going archaeological research with a greater sense of stability since “[…] to continue […] this type of investigation […] it is essential to be able work with permanent technical staff”.


The activity of the Section was unceasing: aside from the great Baix Aragó project, Bosch Gimpera was also in charge of the excavations near Centelles and was studying the Sala de Vic Collection and objects from the Episcopal Museum, while Josep Colominas, another member, was prospecting the archaeological remains in Urgell and excavating El Tossal de les Tenalles at Sidamon.


Agustí Duran i Sanpere at the excavation at Tossal de les Tenalles (Sidamon, Lleida).